Saturday, February 27, 2010

No more whine with my cheese please.

On the other hand I will have some pepper jelly with cream cheese on my new Bagel thins.

This healthy eating and losing weight is a tough life at times. I just don't want to be continually beat up by my lack of standing firm. I am my biggest foe in this fight, and I do believe it to be a fight. I am a list maker so I decided to make a list of the things I willing let defeat me and a list of the reasons I WILL NOT lose this battle. First off I want to say I take full responsibility for my lack of discipline in this area of my life. That being said these are the things that have been defeating me in my quest to be healthy and lose this weight.

  • The weather! I hate cold, I can't walk out side and it makes me sluggish. Hate the snow, hate it, except at first, and to be honest....I love snow days.
  • My lack of planning. When I get in a rut like this, I just don't want to plan, I don't want to make a grocery list, and I don't want to think about new recipes.
  • People that could not care less about your struggle. This one is one that I deal with most often. It seems like I am the odd duck, always watching, always trying to be aware of what I eat. Sometimes it is just plain hard to swim against the tide. I don't always want to say no to the pizza, that gets brought in the office, the cake, the candy that gets laid on my desk, by my friendly co-workers. Sometimes I just want to be like them, except for me, I gain weight and they seem to stay the same. (insert violin here)
  • My need to please! This is a big one for me, sometimes I want to just fix my man the things he likes instead of the healthy foods I expierement on. (and I am sure he tires of the disasters that happen along the way) The problem with that is he likes very very high fat foods, hot dogs, hamburgers and french fries.

These are the things I will do to (or try to do) to overcome these setbacks or obstacles.

  • There is nothing I can do about the weather, I am just gonna have to deal with that one. I need sun, I need warm days. So on this one I will have to bite the bullit and find a way to cope with mother nature.
  • I have decided to plan ahead for when I don't want to plan. Make menus for several weeks, and choose between the ones that fit that week best. ( why didn't I think of this before)
  • Temptation is always gonna be around me. I am not sure how to deal with this one. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I can be defeated so quickly when I am down in the dumps, nervous, happy, or just plain bored. When my resolve has already been broken other people can influence me so easily. I really need to find a way to set boundaries at work, and also find ways to not feel sorry for myself because I am the only one with these boundaries.
  • I have come to the conclusion that the best way to please my honey is to make sure he is around for awhile, the hot dogs have got to go, especially the ones that are huge!!

Thanks so much for the comments, I really appreciate it, and it gave me just the needed push to stop the pity party!!!

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