Friday, June 12, 2009

Fish Fry Day Sixty-Nine

I did just eat one and believe me they weren't all that big. There are not any pictures here of the four hushpuppies I ate but they were good, very very good. I had fish, hushpuppies, and fruit. When I got home and started to post my points I had 3 points left. I was a little nervous eating my extra points, but this morning I weighed and I had lost 1 pound. The night before I had lost two pounds so I am not sure what is going on with the scale, but that is not my war. My battle is just to try to stay withing my points, if I do that and I don't lose, well then I will start to worry.
This week was the fish fry, next week is my mom's Birthday so we will be traveling to her house. I am praying that I can stay on track. Wish me luck, soon the summer months will be gone and I don't want to regret it just because I didn't give 100%.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Channeling Elvis... Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich. Day Sixty- Eight

I have never tried a peanut butter and banana sandwich before, even though I have heard about them before, they just never sounded very good. Boy was I ever wrong. I got some Naturally More Peanut Butter and decided to give it a try at breakfast. Wow! It was so good. I decided to make it for lunch. This will definitely be a go to meal when nothing sounds good. Quick, easy, and so tasty. Elvis thanks for the new recipe. Loved it.

Click the picture to see the peanut butter.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tracking my food Day Sixty-Seven

I really am trying to stop pretending that I didn't swallow that cupcake. It's a hard habit to break. If I don't tell me will it not show up on the scale? If I try to forget about it will it not be a reality? Relearning is a hard thing to do, but I am making every attempt. Last night I wasn't hungry so there was no temptation. Tonight I am, and I keep thinking about those cupcakes, I mean they are made with pumpkin and that is a vegetable! They are also cake, and I ain't fooling anyone but myself. Tracking my food is the only way I can overcome this dangerous habit. It is my 12 step program, my Weight Watchers 10 commandments. Thou shall not cheat, Thou shall not lie, so I will write it down. No excuses, I already feel empowered. YES!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let there not be rain and there was no rain. Day Sixty-Seven

There was a really good chance of rain today but it didn't rain.
It amazes me how rainy days affect my mood.
I was all prepared for the onslaught of a torrential rain and it didn't happen. The Weather Man says its coming tonight and tomorrow, and I will
try again to prepare myself for the sleepy, drowsy, weepy mood rain puts me in. I don't know why rain affects me that way but it does, another thing I need to learn to deal with.
I may never learn to love the rain, but I will learn to live with the it.
And I willlearn to dance in the rain.
I have so many bad habits that affect me like the rain,when I allow these habits to creep into my life they overwhelm me.

I am going to strive to overcome these habits.
Some of these habits are:
1.Thinking about what I am going to have for a snack when I am full.
2.Eating that snack, when I am not even hungry.
3.Believing the lie that eating this will make me feel better.
This quote hangs in my Living room where I can see it every day, how often I forget these words.
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....It's about learning to dance in the rain"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Rainy Days....Day Sixty- Six

I don't like rainy days, it is going to be rainy all week so I need to find a way to get past this without letting it get me down. I have a sit down job, a lazy persons dream job, but it drives me crazy to not be able to move around. I have been walking for awhile now, and it really helps. I walk during both of my 15 minute breaks and I eat at my desk before my lunch break, so when its my lunch break I am free to walk again. When it rains, it just messes everything up. I have got to come up with a plan.
  • I can take my DVD player and walk away the pounds DVD
  • I can take my umbrella, and get soggy wet, ( better take some dry clothes)
  • I can hope that there will be small windows of dryness so I can get out there.

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

I want to dance, not complain. I want to find a way to do this not cry because I can't. So despite the forecast come rain or come shine.....I am going to dance.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Beans, Beans, and More Beans! .......Day Sixty-Five

When I first started on this journey of eating healthy, a good friend came to my rescue. He is from a country where there is less processed foods eaten and more whole nutritious foods are served every day. Beans were something I thought people ate when the money was short and you wanted to make your food budget stretch. He told me to eat beans and rice several times a week. I am not a fan of canned beans so he took me to the store. We bought bags of beans, red beans, black beans, brown beans and white beans. Each week I make a one pound bag of beans with different spices and flavorings. Cumin, Chili Powder, Garlic Salt and Maggi Caldo Sabor a Pollo. I store the beans in the fridge until I am ready to use them. I toss them in salads, I make chili, add them to soups. They make you feel full, and they are so tasty. If you have any recipes you want to share with me that would be great.