Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cookies, Cakes, I want to make it I want to bake it.

When it gets nippy outside, I want to bake, I want to cook......... I have always loved this time of the year. Now I must try really hard to find another way......Can I find a different way to enjoy this time of the year. Can I become a master Chef and come up with healthy food, that is sweet and savory. Can I do this? I think so....

1 comment:

  1. I so feel the same way! As soon as fall and winter strike, I get really in the mood to bake. All sorts of baked goods that are not so good for me. And, honestly, cooking meats or veggies or something that's not a baked good doesn't hit the spot the same way. Let me know if you find a good substitute.


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