Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Motivates Me!

My motivation changes from time to time so I will just tell you what motivates me today. In fact it has been one of my primary motivations since I started living healthy. When I first started on this journey I really just wanted to feel good, then somewhere along the way, (maybe after I started feeling better) I started wanting to look better. Some days, even that isn't enough. Some days I have to search for something to motivate me. That is where my bloggy friends come in handy, when I ain't feeling it I just turn to the blogs and most of the time I find something that inspires me to push through. Clothes have never done it for me, I can buy an outfit that is to small hang it up so I can see it and it does absolutely nothing to inspire me. I am not sure if goals even work for me, ( I don't like pressure). What motivates me may not motivate you and you may have to go on your own search, if you do write it down, blog about it, tell someone about it. It helps, I promise.
Next year I will be Sixty, I can barely type that, I just know that I wish it had not taken me this long to decide to live a healthy life. I guess its never to late, so here is to living life to its fullest from this day forward!!!!

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