Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am loving losing myself a little at a time.

Oh Yum! Boca Burgers and Peach Salsa. Soooo Good!

Only 4 points Total.

I am so happy with the way things are going with this new healthy living. When I first began, it seemed to go so slow. I was fussy, and irritable because the pounds wern't coming off fast enough. Now I couldn't feel better about things. Each day I feel stronger, and this struggle is teaching me so much. There was a time when I went on vacation, ate whatever I wanted, then found it impossible to get back on track. It was so much easier this time around. I believe it is because I have found the secret. It is in the living, part, the day to day learning to do what is best for my health. Today a co-worker brought brownies, I passed by those brownies at least 10 times, but I never once felt tempted. I brought a Chocolate Chip Banana muffin for Breakfast and they are so good, only 4 points and lots of fiber. Good choices, lead to good days. Today was a good day! [Day 80]

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