Monday, April 20, 2009

Day Eighteen!

I tweeted my food journal today, my followers must think I am food obsessed, all I do is post what I eat. It was nice to come home to day and in 30 seconds my food journal was all done.
Saturday night, my friends and I were on facebook chatting, can you believe I am over 50.
We were talking about how 25 years ago we would never have dreamed we would be chatting
on the Internet. I see myself changing in so many ways yet I have allowed myself to stay the
same in the management of my life. Really, that was my aha moment, I realized I had allowed
so much change in my life. If I can get on a plane by myself, and fly to New York City to see a
Broadway show, if I can start three completely different jobs after turning 50, if I can learn to
navigate the web, right click and save, make my own Christmas Montages. If I can learn to Blog. then what is stopping me from changing habits that have caused me such grief. That is what I am doing, or maybe I should say attempting to do. I am not there yet, but I am getting there
one day at a time.
So if I can:
  • Tweet
  • Chat online
  • Fly across the country
  • Start new jobs
  • Navigate the web
  • Make montages
  • Then I can surely mange to live a healthy life.

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